Salaries in Poland 2015

Poland is a country that has been having during the last years good economic stability, it was the only country in the European Union during the last crisis in 2012 to show positive numbers.

Located in Central Europe with an approximate population of 40 million people, Poland has been an attractive region for investments of foreign enterprises mainly because the great labor force that exists in this country: well prepared and young people with higher education and languages.

Among the 28 members of the European Union, the average gross salary in Poland is one of the lowest in this economic zone, being Denmark the country with the highest gross salary in the region with almost 4,000 PLN.

In 2014, the average gross salary in Poland in the enterprise sector was 4,017.06 PLN. The regions in Poland with the highest average gross salaries are: Mazowieckie (5 107.2 PLN), Pomorskie (4 159.5 PLN) and Śląskie (4 073.7 PLN). And the regions with the lowest average gross salaries are Warmińsko-mazurskie y Podkarpackie both with an average of approximately 3,000.00 PLN.

The cities with the highest salaries are: Warsaw (a little bit more than 5,000 PLN), Katowice (almost 5,000 PLN) and Gdansk (with almost 4,000 PLN) in average.

According to some studies, people with a Master’s Degree or higher have the highest salaries. In 2012, in Warsaw people with Master Studies had an average salary of 6,788 PLN, in Gdansk 5,000 PLN and in Poznan 4,750 PLN. In Lodz people with a Master’s Degree have an average gross salary of 4,150 PLN.

Finally, the graduates of the following universities are the ones with the highest salary on their first job (less than 12 months of professional experience):

  1. Warsaw School of Economics (SGH) – 4,200 PLN monthly gross
  2. Poznan University of Economics – 3,750 PLN monthly gross
  3. Wroclaw University of Technology – 3,500 PLN monthly gross

And the graduates of the following universities have a much lower average salary on their first job:

  1. University of Poznan – 2,422 PLN monthly gross
  2. University of Lublin – 2,400 PLN monthly gross
  3. University of Lodz – 2,300 PLN monthly gross

This publication was based on a study made by ‘Invest in Wroclaw’ about the Salaries in Poland 2015 (to read the full study click here).

David Huerta: Mexican blogger living in Poland. Graduated from Warsaw School of Economics.
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